Appointment of Senior Project Management Leader

1 min readFeb 26, 2018


We’re focused on delivering the OAX project successfully and efficiently, and so we’re excited to welcome Kirsten Ambrens Barnes to the team. Kirsten is joining as Senior Vice-President, Project Management, and will play an important role in bringing our development plans to reality.
She has 20 years of experience in designing and implementing technology solutions, and has played a key role in several successful start-ups. She’s also designed solutions to introduce new capabilities in some of Australia’s leading organisations including Telstra and NBN.

In particular, Kirsten is expert in building governance frameworks and so she’ll support our aim to promote high standards of governance and transparency throughout the project. She has a special interest in process automation technologies including blockchain, and in promoting organisational diversity. Kirsten was also the founder of Code for Life, a technology education and training organisation providing after school and school holiday programmes to primary school aged children.

She’s going to bring a well-rounded perspective to our work.
We’ve had a number of important additions to the team. These hires have been across the legal, development and marketing disciplines and together they will further strengthen the solid foundation of the OAX project that’s already in place.




OAX is a new, decentralized, digital asset ecosystem initiative run by the “The OAX Foundation Limited”. Go to to learn more.